Here at MusicMaps, we believe everyone is a musician, and we can all share in music experiences. Every child should have access to the very best music teaching in their lives.

Our teaching programmes are innovative, sustainable and scalable. So unlike other music education companies, we can invest lots of time and energy into our team of teachers, mentors, researchers, scouts – everyone who works with MusicMaps.

We pay competitively and we love to see individuals working with us to develop their skills and professional capabilities.

If you are a teacher who is seeking to become a Guide with MusicMaps, please apply by looking at the jobs below.

We are always seeking experienced and passionate teachers for freelance work across London and beyond. We have engagements with families, in schools, for workshops and more. Teachers who are registered and working with us receive support and training to improve their skills and capabilities, as well as tailored promotion to ensure you are prominent within your field of work.

Current open positions

Early Years Music Group Leader

We are looking for an experienced and dedicated music teacher to run early years music groups in Hammersmith, West London on Saturday mornings. Apply here to get registered with us...

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Class, instrumental and singing teachers all over London

We are looking for experienced and dedicated music teachers in all aspects of music for placements in the coming 12 months. Apply here to get registered with us...

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