Our music milestones

We value a complete and enriching music curriculum and so we’ve created a set of learning milestones on which we can base our learning objectives and the associated assessment and planning.

Listen and appraise – critical listening to different genres of music to broaden cultural understanding and develop emotional skills

Musical activities and games – developing understanding of the interrelated dimensions of music, building core musical skills, and encouraging participation and collaboration

Singing – learning a wide range of songs that can be sung in assemblies and performances and support understanding of cross-curricular topics

Playing instruments – using classroom instruments to build physical dexterity and understanding of compositional processes

Improvisation – creating and exploring musical ideas for personal and musical development, encouraging collaboration and empathy

Composition – planning and evaluating creative work, following compositional rules and processes to develop understanding of interrelated dimensions of music

Performing – working with others to create fully-formed presentations using critical and evaluation skills

Download Year 1 Music Overview – example

Start your school’s musical journey today!

Call us now on 020 3397 4850 or email music@musicmaps.org.uk