MusicMaps Top Tips for Christmas Stockings!
As Christmas fast approaches we thought it would be fun to put together some ideas for musical stocking fillers. From gadgets to pencils, here are some of our favourites…
Pencils are the unwritten currency of the music world – a bit like BitCoin for musicians. Go for 2B – much easier to rub out. Manuscript or TAB paper comes in all shapes and sizes, but all of it is useful. This personalised magnetic kit for your stand looks cool
I Love my Cello (other instruments possible)
Music and Instruments
Christmas is the time to get the carols out and have a good sing along. If you are in possession of a kazoo (see below) why not try kazooing along to some classic tunes. Just grab that kazoo and some sheet music and off you go…
Here are two classics for the piano:
…and another for easy guitar is a book from the authors of the much loved Guitarist’s Way series
And on the instrument front…
…the aforementioned Kazoo (‘deluxe’ version)
…or maybe a bucket of them so the whole family can get stuck in!
… and for those obsessed with old school electronics… the Stylophone!
Things to help with music
It’s a classic but the metronome remains one of the most indispensable pieces of kit for any musician regardless of standard. You could go for a standalone one or an app but beware the classic tick tock pendulum ones – they ironically rarely tick in time!
…and if the hills are alive and you have a musical family how about this…
And for the many guitarists, aside from new pics (.7s are good thickness), slides, clip on tuners and capos this pick maker looks awesome. I have left some hints at home about this one!
These are just some starters – and although all these are Amazon links your local shop will almost certainly have a treasure trove of nick nacks. And if you have any ideas why not comment below.
Happy Kazooing!