New outreach project in Mexico – P.R.I.S.M.A.

Earlier this year we interviewed Mexican guitarist Morgan Szymanski as part of our #MyMusicMaps column. Although he didn’t mention it at the time if you have read the column it will come as no surprise to hear about Morgan’s latest initiative, P.R.I.S.M.A..
Inspired by the British project ‘Live Music Now’ founded by Yehudi Menuhin, P.R.I.S.M.A. supports both promising young artists by giving them a platform to perform and also communities that would not otherwise have it, access to the performing arts. The project is in its infancy but already has taken artists to many schools and communities in and around Mexico City giving hundreds of children the opportunity to play and participate in music, dance, art, photography and more.
We set aside a portion of our income to support individuals and causes in music and are excited to support P.R.I.S.M.A.. You can see from the pictures Morgan has sent – a lot of very happy children! If you are interested by the project, the Facebook page is here and if this is something you might like to help with they are currently raising funds here.
In times of austerity and cuts we are very proud to support the arts and through active participation and engagement we hope to inspire future generations of performers and audiences not just here in the UK but worldwide too.